Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sister Time

A funny thing happened several months ago.  I heard on the radio Kathy Griffin was going to perform at the Pantages in February 2012.  Okay, go ahead say what you say about Kathy Griffin, but Brandi and I find her funny, crude, dirty, and just plain awesome!

I called up Brandi on my way too work.  I remember telling her "Hey, I don't have a lot of time at work today to investigate, but Kathy Griffin is in town in February.  It would probably be fun.  See if you can look up some information and call me later."  She responded with "Holy, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary Joseph, I will check it out."

Brandi called back 10 minutes later and said okay DONE and DONE we are going to Kathy Griffin in February.  LOVE HER (Brandi, not Kathy, well her also.  Anyway, Brandi LOVE HER!)!!

Fast forward to present day and Brandi and I are walking around the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood and I share how cool it is we can just call each other and say let's meet up in Hollywood.  Hollywood people.  No offense to any of the following cities, but we are not saying "Hey, let's meet up in Dallas (Kansas City, Minneapolis, etc. any other city here)."  NOOOO!  Let's meet in Hollywood.  I just felt like the shit for a moment.  Something popular, famous, important....NOPE just Emily and Brandi hanging out in Hollywood (you know where the popular, famous, important people hang out).

Had a great time.  Love you B!

(Okay fine, we are a bit far from the stage but you could see everything in person just fine.  Maggie and Kathy Griffin on stage.)