Sunday, February 28, 2010

Photo Editing

I have always been a fan of photography. I am still learning, but enjoy the experience. I especially enjoy pictures of nature, landscapes, flowers, etc.. It drives Brad crazy sometimes, because he thinks there should always be a person in the picture. I let him in sometimes and then crop him out. HA!! HA!!

One of the things I have been working on lately is to photo edit a bit more. I have been working with FotoFlexer, Picnik, and Adobe Photo Elements. Here are a few of my photo edits using Picnik. The Wild Animal Park pictures from last week were edited using Adobe Photo Elements.

I would love to hear from other bloggers and photo enthusiast on what you use.

Check them out:

1 comment:

  1. Shannon introduced me to Picnik. I've used it a few times, but need to really dive in and find out more to do.

    Otherwise, I use the software loaded on my computer or Picasa. I'm an amateur!
