Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Break Field Trip

Juan and I are still off for Holiday Break this week.  We thought we would use one of our days to go to Universal Studios.  However, there was a 100% chance of rain, so we went with Plan B.  We went to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles.  Before that, however, we spent the night at Brandi's.  Here is a synopsis of our evening and day at Getty.

First, we stopped in Burbank to watch Luke play basketball with his Simi Valley High School team.  Go Pioneers!  I haven't seen him play in a while, so it was fun to see him again.  Except this time he is 6'2"...what happen to our little Lukey "Captain Underpants"?

Later in the day we went and picked up Brandi from work and then headed to the Town Center for a bite to eat and shopping.

Brandi and I LOVE Anthropologie!! We had the most fun in this store.  Here is what is sounded like.
Brandi:  I love this.  Isn't it cute.
Emily:  Oh, that is cute...I love this...what do you think?
Brandi:  Love it!  We really should stop saying how much we love things, because I love everything.
Emily:  Right.  Me too!  But this is so cute.
Brandi:  AWWW...I love it!

Most of the conversations continued in this manner, no matter how many times we told each other to stop saying how much we loved something.  But the store is so stinkin' cute.

Here is a particular item we are both fond of in the event any of my blog readers are interested in purchasing a special gift for a special someone in California. 
Measuring cups...We would be fine with either collection.
Simply click on the picture above  for a direct link to the webpage - MOM!!

Once we got home it was 9 p.m., so was time to go to bed.

Juan and I woke up the next morning to find rain, just as predicted.  We are glad we went with Plan B.  We drove up to the Getty and saw some great paintings, sculptures, decorative art, etc.  It really is a great museum.  What I enjoyed the most was watching Juan enjoy the art.

This is what I thought he was going to look like:

But instead he was interested, excited, and impressed.  He looked like this for the majority of the day:

Here are a few of our favorite pieces (Juan wanted to take a picture of just about every piece, but I tried to select just a sampling):

 Yes, it the real LILLIES by Van Gough
 Thought to be the first African-American bust
 In case you were confused, Juan is on the right.
 Watched a short film on how the artist might have made this piece---so AWESOME

So now we are home just taking in the last few days of Holiday break.  I hope everyone has a GREAT New Year.  May 2011 continue with many joys and memories.


  1. wow em, they let you take pictures inside the getty? that's awesome. and juan is very handsome. i seriously would like to know what happened to lukey captain underpants. i can't believe seeing somebody so grown up can make you so sad and so happy all at the same time. man i love those gettys boys. thanks for blogging your trip! happy new year. xoxo

  2. So excited to see your comment on my blog Heather. Hope you had a GREAT trip back home. Love ya! Em
