Sunday, February 6, 2011

Admitting your problem is the first step,Right MONTH 2


Well, here we are again.  Brandi and I have been working hard on making lots of veggie soup, eating lots of fruits and veggies, and exercising.  You know the regular stuff we are all suppose to do.  Here are our photos for our first month success. 

Emily - total weight loss-15 pounds

EDITED POST:  Thought I would add a front pic as well.  I hate how uptight I look.  Oh well, it's the pic I have.

Brandi - total weight loss-18 pounds


  1. Yall are looking great! Keep up the good work.

  2. Hey Girls- This is Julie....The one that works with your mom... I just joined WW online and I am not going to meetings but perhaps we could have our own on line meeting and be accountable to each other. I am weighing in with a co worker weekly so that someone other than myself can encourage or kick me into gear. I love to see your rapid progress. It is really inspiring and encouraging. I can see a drastic difference from the first month to now for BOTH of you!! Wow. I would like to know if I can put my fat pic on your page and see if by doing this I can get the same results. Just think about it. Your mom can take the picture.
