Friday, January 6, 2012

Aspiring to be my BEST SELF

This blog entry is dedicated to my amazing big sister:  I love you Brandi!

Every new year begins with a personal reflection of to resolute or not to resolute.  It generally ends with NOT, because it is always going to be the same thing; eat healthy, exercise more, make self a priority (BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!).  So this year I decided not to make 2012 resolutions, but to aspire to be my best self in 2012.
My body image is a challenge for most people I know.  No matter if you are overweight, underweight, or average you will always find something to not like about your body.  I simply aspire to take care of my body.  Let me share a little secret-I HATE GOING TO THE DOCTOR. I would rather suffer and wait for the ailment to disappear.  Smart, right!  I really am a idiot.  My thinking is I can go to the doctor, and they will just tell me what I already know.  You are sick, you need to loose weight, be sure you are exercising and taking your multi-vitamin.  NO SHIT SHERLOCK!  Hence, my avoidance of the doctor.  But I know I need to listen to my body and take care of it because it is the only one I have.
I use my mind a lot.  I know this seems strange to say, but I really do.  With my job as an Elementary School Principal, I am mentally exhausted at the end of everyday.  Hell, I am mentally exhausted as soon as I walk in the door.  I am constantly thinking how can I support the parents concerns, what intervention do these students need, what hours is my staff working today.  You name it I am mentally ON.  So, I am aspiring to turn my mind OFF.  I aspire to read at least one fiction book per month.  I want to have a quiet  escape through a book.  I prefer the book to require as little thinking as possible.  Hunger Games is as intellectual as I desire during the school year.
This one is tough.  Not to get into too many details, but my heart hurt in 2011. For this reason I aspire to hold my heart tightly this year.  Now, there will be times of hurt, but I must remember hearts will heal (mind you they heal on their own time, but they heal). 
I aspire to stay present.  I am about to tell you something no one knows about me --- I AM A CONTROL FREAK (insert appropriate guffaw here).  This year I aspire to help my spirit by being present.  I am often thinking about my next or previous thought, response, action, etc.  (Warning:  cliche coming up)  The past is history, the future is a mystery, today is a gift.  That is why we call it the present.  I aspire to embrace the gift of present every moment. 

Happy 2012 to everyone!  May you aspire to be your best self.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!! not just because it was dedicated to me either ;)
    Here's to a healthy 2012, cheers!!
