Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Formal 2010

Juan had his winter formal tonight at Murrieta Valley High School. He went with his girlfriend of 4 months (this is a long time for Freshman, PEOPLE...pointing out the relationship duration is very important to them), Brittany. They looked amazing and were so excited for the evening. The night began at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at our house. Juan asked if he could take Brittany out on a dinner date before the dance. The mean mom said NO. I explained unless he was able to pay and/or drive to a dinner date, he wasn't ready for such an experience. However, I did offer having a special dinner at our house. They had shrimp cocktail, soup, salmon, asparagus, and rice. If I (the cook) may say so myself, it was better than any restaurant. While they ate, Brad and I had the pleasure of enjoying dinner with Brittany's family in the dining room. It was a lot of fun.

Juan had fun preparing for the night by running a few errands to kill some time, taking a long relaxing bath, and getting ready (took about 10 minutes-great being a boy). The most special moment, however, was when Juan said:

"Mom, in case I forget to say it later, thank you for everything you are doing for tonight."

Enjoy some of the great pics from the amazing evening. I am sure they are having a GREAT time at the dance!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

One Week Past

So, one week has gone by since my last blog. I knew when I started back at work my blogs would be less frequent; however I am trying to commit to updating once a week.

What has been going on this week? Not much...I must say.

The weeks go by very quickly. I LOVE the weekends (especially Sunday), because it is during this time we are able to totally take it easy. It is not uncommon for me to not get out of my sweat pants and t-shirts on a Sunday. Love SUNDAY''s my fun day....because I don't have to run day! :-) To make things even more fun, it began raining about an hour ago and it is suppose to continue throughout the week. Luckily, Brad and I were able to do some much needed outside work before the great down pour. Wish us SoCal residents luck. We don't do well with inclement weather.

Yesterday, we headed up to LaVerne, California for a soccer tournament. Juan and his teammates played well, but lost. It is always fun to watch Juan play, but also a bit stressful. I don't want him to get angry, tackled, hurt, or all of the above.

Not much to report this week. I will have to come up with some fun blog topics like my friend Shannon Albert, her blogs are always super interesting. If you have any ideas, please comment. I love comments. If it asks for a URL (and you don't have a blog), I think you just have to type in an e-mail address or I will review and consider all suggestions. I may not write about them, but I will consider all of them.

Everyone have a GREAT week! Love from Devor Days!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Brad was driving home today from Juan's soccer game and I caught a quick nap (really quick...his game was only about 15 minutes away). I was certainly sleepy, though, because I woke up with a description of my dream. I woke up and said I want Biscuits and Gravy. I asked Brad to make his yummy sausage gravy and I will make some biscuits. Strange, but dinner for tonight has been planned. Why did this particular dream come during that particular moment. Was I hungry, I don't think so? Did I miss the midwest, and crave some Bitlers B&G?

I have had many strange dreams and would love someday to have them analyzed.
  • I have had the dream of going to work or school naked (or bottomless) many times. I am told this is generated when one is anxious...who knows!
  • I have run from California to Kansas in my dreams before. I am NOT a runner! Am I supposed to be!
  • My mother went to rehab for not being able to quit smoking in a dream I had when I was 11 or 12 years old. My mom is NOT a smoker!
I want to hear from you. What are some strange dreams you have had?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back to WORK

Not a whole lot to report the last couple of days. I have returned to work Monday and am trying to get back to the swing of things. Amazing how two weeks off can completely mess with one's ability to function normally. I find myself pretty good at multi-tasking, but the last couple of days I have been struggling. It is rare for me to leave work with anything to sign, review, e-mail, etc. The last couple of days have most certainly been an exception. I have to go to work tomorrow and sign about three documents, approve a half a dozen orders, and send multiple e-mails. Okay, maybe it doesn't sign like a big deal but this is in between meeting after meeting, discipline after discipline, and conversation after conversation. AWWWWW!! Welcome back to work Emily !! I wish everyone a GREAT week!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dad's Birthday

Today is just a picture blog. Brandi and I surprised our Dad with a birthday celebration. We (Brandi) made him his favorite recipe as a child and made (Emily) him a slide show of new and old photos, so he could take a walk down memory lane. We started at Woodranch BBQ for lunch and then went back to his place to continue our celebrations. We had a GREAT afternoon. Happy 60th Birthday DAD!! WE LOVE YOU!!

What's a birthday, without the birthday song!!!! Happy Birthday DAD!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Another Year Behind Us

2009 ends, and 2010 begins in the blink of an eye. 2009 was a great year, but I am very much looking forward to the year to come. Here are some of the DEVOR 2009 highlights:

-Brad was recognized as the Chaplain of the Year by his company. With this, we were provided a fully paid 4 day trip to South Beach, Florida. This trip was nothing like we have experienced before. Our vacations generally consist of AAA discounts, packed lunches, and free/inexpensive fun. Being the trip was paid, however, we were provided a Town Car and driver to/from the airport and hotel, room at the Ritz Carlton ON South Beach, and amazing food each morning and night. Thank you VITAS!! (PS Brad and I went on this trip without Juan. It was great to have some couple time!)

-Summer vacation included a camping trip to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks. This is a beautiful part of the country and we were in awe during the whole trip with the amazing scenery. Jerel, Nieta, Lori and her girls, and Craig and Joy's kids were able to join us and spend some great family time together. We look forward to going again sometime.

-We had several camping trips around Southern California, also. We enjoyed camping near San Simeon (home of Hearst Castle), San Clemente, and Doheny. We always enjoy these trips as an opportunity to get away from real life for a few days. Many times these trips include some friends and their families. This is always fun!!

-Emily (me, but I feel like I shouldn't write in first person here??) became an Elementary School Principal this year. She is so lucky to be working with an amazing staff, students, and families. This has been a great beginning to her Administrative career.

-Juan joined a Club Soccer team this year. This has required some additional money, time, practice, and commitments. He is the youngest team member, while playing against and with mostly 18 - 19 year old boys/men (They had mustaches and were 6' tall---scary). His skills have greatly improved with this great soccer experience.

-Juan began his High School life in 2009. He quickly discovered how high school is MUCH different than his last several years of school. The pacing and requirements of high school have certainly challenged him, but he is trying to find his way. Luckily, he continues to look forward to college and discuss his future plans as an adult. I am excited to see what he finally decides to do in the future. I am confident he will be great in whatever he chooses.

I know there have been many more things which happened in 2009, but these were just some highlights. 2,010 wishes to everyone in 2010!!